
Showing posts from 2017

How to Craft a Better Pitch

As public relations professionals, we always strive to deliver results for our clients. It’s no secret that earned media coverage in a reputable publication holds more weight with audiences than advertising and other types of paid media. However, earned media is also a lot more difficult to secure. Finding a newsworthy angle, crafting a compelling pitch, and sending it to the right journalists can sometimes challenge even the most experienced PR pros. The following tips will help you craft a better pitch to successfully secure earned media for your clients: Be Concise Try to keep your pitch emails no longer than two or three short paragraphs. When introducing your client, make sure your pitch coherently answers the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. Remember that reporters receive dozens, if not hundreds of pitches a day. So, overwhelming them with extra text is the best way to make them lose interest. Consider the Audience Don’t forget to research the publ...

3 Tips for Better PR Writing

Writing is a big part of the PR professional’s daily routine. Be it a new press release, blog post or marketing content, your writing needs to be informative, compelling and effective in conveying ideas. And while we all have different linguistic aesthetics and ways we express our thoughts, there are certain stylistic and compositional principles that are worth following when it comes to writing for PR. Here are three simple ways you can better adjust your writing to the PR style: 1. Base your writing on verbs and nouns rather than adjectives. One of the differences between editorial and PR writing is that the latter tends to be more direct and action-based. By reducing the amount of adjectives in favor of verbs and nouns, you will be able to make your  content  more dynamic and engaging to the reader. 2. Start by communicating your most important news/arguments in the beginning. PR style of writing aims at informing and engaging the audience in a concis...

Harness the Power of #Hashtags with These 6 Tips

Not so long ago, the # (hashtag) symbol didn’t mean much to most people. Today, however, both the term and the little symbol have managed to permeate nearly every aspect of our culture. Even though most business owners have heard of them, few actually know how to use hashtags effectively for their business. When used strategically, a hashtag can greatly amplify your company’s reach, customer engagement and increase brand awareness. Here are six tips that will help you harness the power of hashtags for your business: 1.     Use hashtags outside Twitter The hashtag symbol was brought to social media stardom by Twitter, where it was cleverly used to categorize tweets and link countless conversations together. Other social media platforms followed suit, and today, hashtags can be effectively utilized across a variety of networks, including Facebook , Google+ , Pinterest , Instagram and Tumblr. When engaging with your audience on social media, know which pl...