
Showing posts from February, 2017

20 Dos and Don’ts of News Releases

If there is one skill that all public relations professionals need to master, it’s being able to write an effective news release. Yet, despite all the fuss about its supposed demise in the age of social media, the good ol’ news release still remains one of the most important tools in the PR toolkit. To help you refresh your skills and knowledge, we’ve come up with this helpful memo of the 20 Dos and Don’ts of news release writing: Do: 1.     Make sure it’s newsworthy 2.     Create an engaging headline 3.     Answer the five Ws: Who, What, When, Where and Why 4.     Include a quote from someone directly involved in the news 5.     Break up your content into several easily digestible paragraphs 6.     Provide contact information for media inquiries 7.     Include a photo or company logo 8.     Include links to company websi...